
Why is mental health a difficult topic to talk about?

Why is mental health a difficult topic to talk about?

The truth is there are many reasons that people might find it difficult to open up about a mental health problem. Some reasons for this that young people told Newsround include: Worries that people may think you’re ‘weird’ or leave you out. Not wanting to be treated any differently.

What should you not talk about when talking about mental health?

10 things not to say to someone with a mental illness

  1. “It’s all in your head.”
  2. “Come on, things could be worse!”
  3. “Snap out of it!”
  4. “But you have a great life, you always seem so happy!”
  5. “Have you tried chamomile tea?”
  6. “Everyone is a little down/moody/OCD sometimes – it’s normal.”
  7. “This too shall pass.”
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Is mental health being talked about enough?

Talking about mental health is clearly very important. But in a time when the wider conditions in which we live drive increasing rates of mental ill health and health services are unable to cope with increasing demand, talk is not enough.

Why is it so important to talk about mental health?

Talking about mental health helps improve our communities by making it more acceptable for those suffering from mental illnesses to seek help, learn to cope, and get on the road to recovery. In addition, mental health isn’t just about mental illnesses. It’s also about maintaining a positive state of wellbeing.

Why is mental health not talked about in schools?

The mental health crisis in our schools is a result of a lack of education on the matter, and a lack of resources to properly mitigate it. Moreover, mental health education is seldom part of the student’s curriculum, even though parents recognize the importance of the subject. And then there are the school counselors.

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Why do people find it hard to talk about mental health problems?

This is said to be due to an increase in emotional problems like depression or anxiety. Why do people find it hard to talk about mental health problems? There can be many reasons why people might find it hard to talk about mental health problems. Josh, Lucy and Matty explain why they found it difficult.

What does mental health mean to you?

When people say mental health, they are talking about how people think and feel, and how they are coping with things happening in their life. It’s completely normal to feel sad, angry or worried from time to time.

Does your child have a mental health problem?

The truth is that mental health problems can affect anyone. An NHS survey of 9,117 kids showed that one in eight children over five has a mental health disorder. This is said to be due to an increase in emotional problems like depression or anxiety.

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What would happen if everyone shared their mental health mindset?

If everyone shared in this mental health mindset, it would eliminate a lot of the apprehensions felt about talking about mental health; it would allow a conversation to freely flow between people and through that conversation, understanding is reached.