Is car insurance cheaper for pleasure or commute?

Is car insurance cheaper for pleasure or commute?

Pleasure use car insurance is slightly less expensive than commuter coverage, at an average of $1,427 per year for auto insurance versus a commuter vehicle’s $1,438. This difference is fairly insignificant until you assess specific car insurance providers.

How often should you drive your car?

So, how often should you drive your car? It’s recommended that you drive your vehicle at least once every two weeks for at least 15 minutes each time.

Does commuting increase car insurance?

If you use your vehicle to commute three hours to work every day, you will generally pay more in insurance premiums than someone who only drives one mile a day.

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Are you insured to drive work?

Most insurance policies only apply when commuting to one place of work – and going out of your way to drop off a loved one could mean you’re not covered. And any diversion from your normal route could give your insurer a way to wriggle out of a claim – especially if you were knowingly doing so.

Should you service your car before or after a long road trip?

Wear and tear. A long road trip could accelerate your need for future repairs, especially if you head out with a vehicle that’s between visits to the shop or already has an intermittent problem. Easy answer: Get service before you set off, even if it throws off your maintenance schedule a bit. Cost.

Should you drive or rent a car when traveling for less?

A great way to travel for less is to drive rather than fly to your destination. Of course, if you choose to drive rather than fly, you will need to build in more travel time. If you’ve decided that’s OK, you may think you’re all set. But you still have another car decision to make: Do you drive your own car or rent one?

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What are the advantages of renting a car?

Another advantage is that travelers can score vehicles with added amenities or larger space for long trips, Clark says. “Let’s say you need a larger or smaller vehicle or a different kind for your trip than what you own. Renting one can just work out so, so well,” he says.

Should you buy an electric car for long road trips?

That said, you don’t need an ultra-long-range electric car for these trips. Something like the BMW i3 94ah has a 153-mile range and — if you don’t mind making a few stops — can be a good bet for long trips. If you want to avoid frequent charges, consider a long-range Tesla or a Chevrolet Bolt.