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Why did Skyler give the money to Ted Breaking Bad?

Why did Skyler give the money to Ted Breaking Bad?

That was wonderful. But what Skyler did of her own accord – giving all that money to Ted so he could pay off the IRS and thus keep them off the scent of the White’s illicit activities – came out of nowhere to provide the ultimate bit of dark, cold, comedy.

How much money did Skyler give Ted?

After the IRS catches onto the fraud at Beneke Fabricators, Skyler secretly gives Ted the $615,000 he needs to pay the IRS debt to avoid jail time.

Does Walt find out Skyler gave Ted money?

When Skyler finds out that Walt was cooking meth, she tries to get back at him by starting an affair with Ted. Skyler confronts Ted about it and reveals she gave him the money. She then gets Saul’s men to force him to sign over the money in order to pay his taxes.

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Does Ted pay the IRS?

However, Ted has no assets and can’t pay the back taxes, so Skyler has Saul Goodman inform him that he’s inherited several hundred thousand dollars from his “Great Aunt Birgit.” Ted infuriates Skyler by refusing to pay his IRS debt, even after she reveals that she provided his “inheritance.” Just paying the taxes won’t …

Why does Ted refuse to pay the IRS?

(RJ Mitte), the son of Walt and Skyler. After Skyler learned of the tax fraud, Ted tried to get her help in cooking the books. To avoid a stiff penalty, Ted was required to pay over $600,000 in back taxes and fines. Rather than use the money provided by Skyler to take care of the problem, Ted refused.

Was Ted Beneke trying to blackmail Skyler?

Despite Skyler’s best attempts to help Ted pay off his debt, he remained stubborn and refused to pay as settling the debt would not prevent him from going bankrupt and even seemed to try and blackmail Skyler for an even greater sum to solve all his problems.

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What happens to Ted on Breaking Bad?

Ted tries to escape but trips on his rug and crashes his head. It’s unknown what happened to him. It’s revealed in Season 5 that Ted ended up hospitalized with severe neck trauma. He has to keep his head in a huge protective brace and his head was completely shaved.

Is Ted Beneke Walt JRS dad?

There is no real evidence that Ted is Walt Jr.’s real father. Ted was clearly a major flirt and had eyes on Skyler for a long time, but that doesn’t mean he was the father of her child. When Skyler returned to her job as a bookkeeper, it was out of desperation.

Why did Skyler wear Aqua Net to the IRS?

When Ted, Skyler’s former boss (and lover), informs her that his business is being audited, she realizes this will bring unwanted attention her way. So she busts out the Aqua Net and her lowest-cut dress for a meeting with the IRS and makes them believe Ted fell victim to a clueless lady accountant.

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Who is Skyler White on ‘Breaking Bad’?

We started with alpha-male DEA agent Hank yesterday. Today: Skyler White (Anna Gunn), Walter’s wife and sometime accomplice, who went from unwitting victim to money-laundering queenpin — and is now seriously reconsidering that choice.

How did Skyler make millions in Black Jack?

Enter Skyler, who concocts a complicated-but-believable story about Walt using a black jack card-counting system to make millions in underground games and offers to cover Hank’s medical costs with the winnings. When Walt marvels at the brilliance of Skyler’s lie, she replies, “I learned from the best.”

What episode does Skyler find out about Hank?

“Kafkaesque” (season 3, episode 9): Skyler is now fully aware of her husband’s double-life, and in this episode, she shows her own flashes of criminal genius. Hank is in the hospital after The Cousins’ not-so-surprise attack, and the medical bills are mounting.