Tips and tricks

What does the Bible say about dating other religions?

What does the Bible say about dating other religions?

The Bible generally says “no” to marrying other religions. However, you are “safe” (assuming you mean your own standing with the Lord Almighty) as long as you live your life with decency, goodness and righteousness.

What do you do when your partner has different beliefs?

If you and your partner are having trouble resolving a difference in opinion, you might like to consider the following.

  • Talk things over – properly.
  • Try to see where they’re coming from.
  • Find the common ground.
  • Don’t force things.
  • Are they right?
  • Know your boundaries.

Is it possible to have different religious beliefs in a relationship?

Go for it!” But as both of you—and many others—have already discovered, it’s more complicated than that. Every situation is unique. For some couples, having different religious beliefs may be no problem at all. For others, it may indeed doom the relationship.

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Why do some religions not allow interfaith marriage?

Many, though not all, religions prohibit or heavily discourage interfaith marriages. These prohibitions are usually based on two dangers: To deal with the second danger, religions that do allow their members to marry people of other faiths often require that the children be brought up in their own members’ faith.

Would you date someone with opposite political views?

The polarity Artis and Moore observe is reflected on a much wider scale in a recent survey from, which found that 84\% of singles said that they will not even consider dating someone with opposite political views, while 67\% admit to ending relationships due to opposing political views. ‘Mismatched partisan pairs’ are fairly common

What does the Bible say about interfaith marriage advice?

In the New Testament, the primary source of interfaith marriage advice is the Apostle Paul. Here are the key passages from his letters: A wife is bound as long as her husband lives.

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