
What is the whole saying of curiosity killed the cat?

What is the whole saying of curiosity killed the cat?

The whole idiom goes like this: “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” That last part really changes the meaning. The cat gets to live. Curiosity does not kill it.

When did curiosity killed cat?

The saying of “curiosity killed the cat” originated in 1598 in a play that was written by Ben Johnson and adapted to by William Shakespeare. The original wording was: “Care killed the cat”. The first reference of the modern usage with “curiosity” dates back to 1873.

Is curiosity killed the cat from Schrodinger?

Absolutely NOT! That phrase is clearly referring to the behavior of the cat, where as Schrodinger’s cat is a gedankenexperiment where the cat is placed in a box with a 50\% chance of dying dependent upon whether or not a radioactive isotope decays.

Who sang straight back down to earth?

Curiosity Killed the Cat
Down to Earth/Artists

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Are cats curious?

Our feline friends are famous for their insatiable curiosity. As with many of their strange behaviors, our cats’ need to explore is deeply rooted in their instincts. While you’ve probably heard the phrase “curiosity kills the cat,” the fact is, curiosity is what has kept their species alive for centuries.

What is the origin of the phrase Curiosity Killed the cat?

Curiosity killed the cat.”. The origin of the idiom “curiosity killed the cat” actually lies with a slightly different idiom, “care killed the cat.” The original meaning of the word “care” as used in this instance was “sorrow” or “worry,” and both of these forms of negative emotions can cause stress that damages the body and mind.

Who said the quote Curiosity Killed the cat?

In the 1902 edition of Proverbs: Maxims and Phrases, by John Hendricks Bechtel, the phrase “Curiosity killed the cat” is the lone entry under the topic “Curiosity” on page 100. O. Henry’s 1909 short story “Schools and Schools” includes a mention that suggests knowledge of the proverb had become widespread by that time:

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Who is the cat that Curiosity Killed?

These Proverbs Are Not Like You Know Them! Curiosity killed the cat. The saying of “ curiosity killed the cat ” originated in 1598 in a play that was written by Ben Johnson and adapted to by William Shakespeare.

Why do Cats play with their prey before they kill it?

After all, cats aren’t born with the innate desire to kill their prey. The killing part is copied and learned from the mother. However, cats are indeed born wanting to chase after things. When a cat is endlessly mutilating a now-dead mouse, it may simply be because she’s playing with it like a toy or a game.