
What is the vector potential for a long straight wire carrying a steady current I?

What is the vector potential for a long straight wire carrying a steady current I?

A=ˆzμI2π⋅ln(2lρ)=ˆzμI2π(ln2l−lnρ). Thus we see that the magnetic vector potential in the vicinity of a straight wire is a vector field parallel to the wire. If the wire is of infinite length, the magnetic vector potential is infinite. For a finite length, the potential is given exactly by Equation 9.3.

What is the magnetic field of an infinitely long wire?

For an infinitely long straight wire, the magnetic field lines are circles centered on the wire. The direction is given by a right-hand rule: With your right hand, point your thumb in the direction of the current. When you curl your fingers they curl in the direction of the magnetic field.

What will happen when a current carrying wire is placed in a electric field?

This means when you change the direction of the current, you also change the direction of the magnetic field. Because the magnetic field created by the electric current in the wire is changing directions around the wire, it will repel both poles of the magnet by bending away from the wire.

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What is vector potential in Magnetostatics?

Magnetostatics in Free Space. where is the magnetic flux density, is the current density, and is the permeability of vacuum. where the field is called the magnetic vector potential. The electric potential allows for a more efficient way of expression for the equations of electrostatics and steady currents.

What is the direction of magnetic vector potential due to a straight current carrying wire of infinite length?

parallel to
Thus we see that the magnetic vector potential in the vicinity of a straight wire is a vector field parallel to the wire. If the wire is of infinite length, the magnetic vector potential is infinite.

How do you find the direction of a vector potential?

What is the direction of the magnetic vector potential in an electromagnetic plane wave? The vector potential A is perpendicular to B=∇×A, by definition, and hence, in a plane wave, it is either in the direction of E or the direction of propagation.

What is an infinite wire?

14 2. infinite means no end on both sides semi infinite means which is fixed at one point and other point is not fixed eg line infinite and ray semi infinite.

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What kind of magnetic field is produced by an infinitely long current carrying conductor?

What kind of magnetic field is produced by an infinitely long current carrying conductor? Magnetic field produced by current carrying infinitely long straight conductors is in the form of concentric circles in a plane perpendicular to the straight conductor.

Under what conditions does a current carrying conductor experience a maximum force?

When the conductor is held perpendicular to the magnetic field, it experiences maximum force.

Why does a wire experience a force when there is current in the circuit?

A wire carrying a current creates a magnetic field . This can interact with another magnetic field, causing a force that pushes the wire at right angles.

How do you find the direction of A vector potential?

What is the direction of magnetic field intensity vector due to infinite long straight filament?

The magnetic field due to current in an infinite straight wire points in the direction of the curled fingers of the right hand when the thumb of the right hand is aligned in the direction of current flow.

What is the magnetic vector potential of an infinite length wire?

If the wire is of infinite length, the magnetic vector potential is infinite. For a finite length, the potential is given exactly by equation 9.3.4, and, very close to a long wire, the potential is given approximately by equation 9.3.5.

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How do you find the vector potential of a straight wire?

A = ˆzμI 2π ⋅ ln(2l ρ) = ˆzμI 2π(ln2l − lnρ). Thus we see that the magnetic vector potential in the vicinity of a straight wire is a vector field parallel to the wire. If the wire is of infinite length, the magnetic vector potential is infinite.

What is the relationship between the vector potential and current?

This would seem to suggest that there is a more direct relationship between the vector potential and the current than there is between the magnetic field and the current. The potential is not very well-behaved on the -axis, but this is just because we are dealing with an infinitely thin current.

How do you find the magnetic field of an infinite wire?

If the wire is of infinite length, the magnetic vector potential is infinite. For a finite length, the potential is given exactly by Equation 9.3.4, and, very close to a long wire, the potential is given approximately by Equation 9.3.5. Now let us use Equation 9.3.5 together with B = curl A, to see if we can find the magnetic field B.