
What is the meaning of the term antediluvian period?

What is the meaning of the term antediluvian period?

before the flood
1 : of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible. 2a : made, evolved, or developed a long time ago an antediluvian automobile that antediluvian relic known as a slide rule.

Is antediluvian in English word?

Meaning of antediluvian in English extremely old-fashioned: My mother has some hopelessly antediluvian ideas about the role of women.

How do you use antediluvian?

Antediluvian in a Sentence 🔉

  1. My daughter often tells me I wear antediluvian clothes that are way out of style.
  2. If Gina looked in a few fashion magazines, she would realize her hairstyle is an antediluvian one that went out of style in the 1970s.
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How do you say the word antediluvian?

Starts here1:01How To Say Antediluvian – YouTubeYouTube

What is a giant antediluvian creature?

The antediluvian monsters These included large animals such as ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, pliosaurs and the various giant mammals found when excavating the Catacombs of Paris.

What is the meaning of antediluvian in the Bible?

Aantediluvian in the Bible, is defined as someone or something from the time before the Great Flood. An example of people who are antediluvian are Adam and Eve. An example of an antediluvian animal is the dinosaur. The definition of antediluvian is someone or something that is ancient, elderly, or passé.

What is the meaning of antedilum?

1 : of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible. 2a : made, evolved, or developed a long time ago an antediluvian automobile that antediluvian relic known as a slide rule.

How long did people live during the antediluvian age?

We must remember that during the antediluvian age humankind lived longer than 70 or 80 years we see in the 21st century, but some of them lived on for nearly 1000 years because their pre-flood environment was perfectly designed for optimum genetic expression, which facilitated gigantism and longevity in humans, animals, insects, and plants.

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What is an example of an antediluvian animal?

An example of an antediluvian animal is the dinosaur. The definition of antediluvian is someone or something that is ancient, elderly, or passé. An example of someone who is antediluvian is a great-great-grandmother.