
What is halfway between Dallas and LA?

What is halfway between Dallas and LA?

Halfway between Dallas and Los Angeles The location closest to the exact midpoint would be Grants (New Mexico).

How long is a trip from Texas to California?

Straight Line Distance : 1865 KM and 800 meters / 1159.4 miles. Travel time : 45 hours and 12 minutes.

How much gas does it take to get to Texas from California?

The total cost of driving from California to Texas (one-way) is $240.11 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $480.23 to go from California to Texas and back to California again. Regular fuel costs are around $3.81 per gallon for your trip.

How much does it cost to drive from California to Texas?

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Road trip planner The round trip cost would be $480.23 to go from Texas to California and back to Texas again. Regular fuel costs are around $3.81 per gallon for your trip. This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving.

What city is halfway between Los Angeles and Texas?

The city at the geographic halfway point from Texas to Los Angeles, CA is Murphy Place, New Mexico.

How long does it take to drive from Los Angeles to Dallas?

How long is the drive from Los Angeles, CA to Dallas, TX? The total driving time is 20 hours, 37 minutes.

Is it cheaper to fly or drive to Texas from California?

So in this case, it’s better to fly from California to Texas. It’s significantly cheaper to fly on this trip, unless you made adjustments to the numbers above to alter the calculation. These results are based on the actual driving distance from California to Texas, which is 1,577 miles or 2 538 kilometers.

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What is the halfway point between California and Dallas?

Halfway between Los Angeles, CA and Dallas, TX The best city between Los Angeles, CA and Dallas, TX to meet is Las Cruces, New Mexico which is about 41 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Myndus, New Mexico.

Is it safe to drive through Texas at night?

Night driving has long been known to be more dangerous than daytime driving. All drivers in Texas have a responsibility to exercise reasonable care, and that requires extra caution when driving at night. Anyone who fails to do so may be held liable for any injuries or damages caused in the event of an accident.

What is the closest major city to halfway between California and Texas?

The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Tucson, AZ. The total driving distance from California to Texas is 1,599 miles or 2 573 kilometers. Each person would then have to drive about 800 miles to meet in the middle.

How long does it take to drive from California to Texas?

The total driving distance from California to Texas is 1,599 miles or 2 573 kilometers. Each person would then have to drive about 800 miles to meet in the middle. It will take about 11 hours and 49 minutes for each driver to arrive at the meeting point. Since this is a long drive, you might want to split up your road trip into multiple days.

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What is the exact latitude and longitude of California?

The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 32° 17′ 4″ N and 109° 17′ 57″ W. The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Tucson, AZ. The total driving distance from California to Texas is 1,599 miles or 2 573 kilometers. Each person would then have to drive about 800 miles to meet in the middle.

What is the exact latitude and longitude of Texas?

The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 32° 17′ 4″ N and 109° 17′ 57″ W. The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Tucson, AZ. The total driving distance from California to Texas is 1,599 miles or 2 573 kilometers.