
What does it mean when you see the color purple when you close your eyes?

What does it mean when you see the color purple when you close your eyes?

Most people see splashes of colors and flashes of light on a not-quite-jet-black background when their eyes are closed. It’s a phenomenon called phosphene, and it boils down to this: Our visual system — eyes and brains — don’t shut off when denied light.

What happens when you close your eyes for meditation?

It’s better to keep your eyes closed since meditation is about clearing your mind from any mental activity and thoughts. Just you and nothing. Keeping your eyes opened may consequently distract you from achieving the state of meditation.

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Why do I see patterns when I rub my eyes?

These shapes and colours, called ‘phosphenes’, were reported as long ago as the time of the ancient Greeks. Rubbing your eyes increases the pressure within the eyeball and this pressure activates ganglion cells in the retina in the same way as light does.

What do people see when they close their eyes?

When you close your eyes, you may be able to “see” colors, shapes, and light. Some of the images may also move or create a swirling effect. Such visual effects are sometimes called closed eye hallucinations because such objects aren’t literally in front of you.

Is it normal for someone to connect to me during meditation?

S o, here you are, minding your own business during a meditation and *BAM* something or someone begins to connect with you. This is normal. Don’t panic. When you begin to raise your frequency or become coherent through your meditation practice you awaken your intuitive abilities and can begin to perceive other worlds and other beings.

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How can I see other worlds through meditation?

When you begin to raise your frequency or become coherent through your meditation practice you awaken your intuitive abilities and can begin to perceive other worlds and other beings. Keep in mind that it is your energy that draws in these beings. You will draw in beings that are in alignment with your vibration.

What is the difference between light beings and meditative experiences?

All of our meditative experiences are tools, all of them. Light beings are individuals (or conglomerates of consciousness) from a much higher level of reality, which makes their form difficult to comprehend, thus we simply perceive them as light.

What is the truth about being scared by everything?

The truth is you have met another part of yourself. Everything that terrified you represents an aspect of your own consciousness, and if you begin to view your experiences that way it will becomes less scary. Gone are the days when we can simply cry victim and blame others for our experiences.