
Was Robb Stark honorable?

Was Robb Stark honorable?

Robb Stark is the eldest son from this family, and honestly, he probably could have been the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Robb is as honorable as his father, but unfortunately, there are so many parts of this character that still have fans scratching their heads.

Did Tywin Lannister respect Robb Stark?

He respected Robbs military prowess enough to know fighting him in the field was a mistake. He respected him enough to avoid fighting him because he knew there was a good chance Robb might eventually get the drop on him.

Who is Robb Stark’s best friend?

Theon Greyjoy The Starks’s ward and Robb’s best friend. Ned Stark took the young Theon, now nineteen, as a ward after putting down a rebellion led by the Greyjoy family, and Theon consequently grew up with the Stark children as something like a brother.

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Is Robb Stark a good guy?

Throughout the books, Robb Stark is usually depicted as a good King with his people’s best interests at heart. But we have always been looking through the eyes of either Ned, Catelyn, or Bran, and never from a neutral standpoint. Jaime Lannister’s view can hardly be trusted either, since he was a prisoner and an enemy.

Who is the King of Kings Landing?

King’s Landing
Ruler King Robert I Baratheon (AGoT) King Tommen I Baratheon (ADwD)
Population 500,000 (approximately)
Religion Faith of the Seven
Founded 2 BC

Why did Ramsay betray Robb?

Roose decided to betray Robb long ago, after the Lannisters defeated Stannis Baratheon at the Battle of the Blackwater, and was simply feigning loyalty this entire time, even as he was plotting the Starks’ destruction.

Where did Robb Stark grow up?

Robb was born at Riverrun and raised at Winterfell. His father left his mother the morning after their wedding to fight in Robert’s Rebellion and did not return until after Robb was born. Robb Stark was likely named after Robert Baratheon. He had two younger trueborn brothers, Bran and Rickon, and two sisters, Sansa and Arya.

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What happened to Robb Stark after Red Wedding?

King Robb Stark was the eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell and his wife, Lady Catelyn. Following his father’s execution, Robb was declared King in the North, won many battles against the House Lannister, but eventually he, his mother, and his armies are slain at the Red Wedding.

What are some character traits of Robb Stark?

Robb is a skilled horseman and a great warrior. He is capable of taking advice from his bannermen and his elders. Robb did have some wisdom in fairness, keeping his bodyguards close by at all times and knowing where to keep secrets from his foot soldiers and entrusting only to his closest lieutenants.

How did Tywin Lannister defeat Robb Stark?

Tywin counted on Robb’s sense of honor along with his youth to be tempted by Jeyne, marrying her and creating a riff with the Freys. This gave Tywin the chance to help stage the Red Wedding at the Twins. Tywin looked for the worst in Robb, and that is how he ended up defeating him.