
What is the most common effect of iron deficiency?

What is the most common effect of iron deficiency? Anemia occurs when there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body’s organs. As a result, it’s common to feel cold and symptoms of tiredness or weakness. There are many different types of anemia, but the most common type is iron-deficiency anemia. What are the consequences of iron? Yes, iron can be harmful if you get too much. In healthy people, taking high doses of iron

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Can an average student pass MBA?

Can an average student pass MBA? Yes, an MBA is definitely a good option for an average student. A post-graduation MBA degree in various specializations can open up a plethora of job opportunities for students. Here are some specializations that graduates can pursue: MBA Finance. Can you fail MBA in UK? The decision to Pass or Fail is a matter of academic judgement, and there is no obligation to fail any students. To earn your degree, you must complete all

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Is I have took correct?

Is I have took correct? In those dialects, “I have took”, “I have gave”, “I have saw”, etc. are acceptable. In the vast majority of dialects, the past tense is took/gave/saw, the past participle is taken/given/seen, and only the second of your examples is grammatical. Do photos or take photos? The process of pointing a camera at an object and pressing the shutter button is called “taking a picture” or “taking a photo(graph)”, for example: correct I took a photo

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Who is the fastest editor in Fortnite?

Who is the fastest editor in Fortnite? TonzFN is another Fortnite editor who recently shot to fame when popular YouTuber Ali-A mentioned him in his Fastest Fortnite editors compilation video. In his most popular video, TonzFN edits at a blistering pace, going on to land a staggering 60 edits in a mere 7 seconds! What is RYFT real name? Bryan Ryft: My name is Bryan, otherwise known as Ryft. I grew up and still live in Boston today. A few

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Tips and tricks

Can prescription glasses make you tired?

Can prescription glasses make you tired? Also, glasses with too strong of a prescription can cause headaches and fatigue. Personalization is extremely important when it comes to optimizing performance with modern-day corrective lenses. Why do I feel sleepy after wearing lenses? Eye Fatigue Your eyes may begin to feel tired after wearing contact lenses for a brief period of time. To prevent and treat eye fatigue, only wear your contacts for a couple hours at a time to start. Work

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How many Indian millionaires are there in the US?

How many Indian millionaires are there in the US? At the end of 2020, there were nearly 700 thousand dollar-millionaires in India. This was a significant decrease compared to over 760 thousand millionaires at the end of the previous year. In total, there were nearly 60 million dollar-millionaires worldwide in 2020. How rich are Indians in the US? Indians in the US, with an average household earning of USD 123,700 and 79 per cent of college graduates, have surpassed the

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Tips and tricks

What is the age limit for working in India?

What is the age limit for working in India? Article 24 Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc. No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed in work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment. Can you get a job at age 18? When someone turns 18 and becomes a legal adult, they have access to a wider range of job opportunities than they had as a minor. Many companies begin

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Where do skunks live in the UK?

Where do skunks live in the UK? 8. Skunks. While presently there are no skunks thought to be living in the wild in the UK, back in 2009 there were several reports of skunk sightings in the Forest of Dean area – more specifically – Gloucestershire. Are there raccoons in the UK? Currently, there are no raccoons in the British wilderness but the study indicates that if they were illegally introduced or escaped from captivity they would likely flourish. According

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Tips and tricks

Why is my messages and FaceTime not working on Mac?

Why is my messages and FaceTime not working on Mac? Check Any Third-Party Networking or Security. If your Mac has any firewall, security, VPN, or other third-party networking software, verify that it isn’t blocking any of the network ports that iMessage and FaceTime use. Temporarily disable that software. Once disabled, try signing in to iMessage or FaceTime again. Why is my iMessage not working on my Mac? Turn it off, reboot your device, then turn it back on using the

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What do you understand by demagnetizing and cross magnetizing effect of armature reaction in a dc machine?

What do you understand by demagnetizing and cross magnetizing effect of armature reaction in a dc machine? The opposition of armature flux on the main field flux is called armature reaction. This armature reaction has two undesirable effects, either it weakens (reduces) the main field flux called ‘Demagnetising Effect’ or it distorts the main field flux called ‘Cross-magnetising Effect’. What do you understand by demagnetizing and cross magnetizing effect of armature reaction in a dc machine how the armature reaction

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