
How do I change my recommendations on LinkedIn?

How do I change my recommendations on LinkedIn?

To revise a recommendation you’ve given from your profile:

  1. Tap your profile picture.
  2. Scroll down to the Recommendations section.
  3. Click the Edit icon in the top right corner.
  4. Tap the Given tab.
  5. Tap Edit in the top right corner of the screen.
  6. Locate the recommendation that you want to be revised.

How do I change job alerts on LinkedIn?

To manage your job alerts:

  1. Tap Jobs > Manage alerts.
  2. Tap the More icon next to the job alert you want to edit or delete.
  3. Tap Manage job alert to edit your job alert or Delete job alert to remove it.

How do I get rid of recommendations on LinkedIn?

Click View Profile. Scroll to the Recommendations section and click the Edit icon in the upper right corner. Click the Given [number] tab at the top of the pop-up window. Locate the recommendation you want to remove and click Delete.

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How do I remove recommendations?

Mobile steps

  1. Tap your profile picture, then tap View Profile.
  2. Scroll down to the Recommendations section.
  3. Tap See all.
  4. Tap the Given tab.
  5. Tap Edit in the upper right corner of the page.
  6. Locate and tap the recommendation that you want to delete.
  7. Tap Delete below the recommendation you want to delete and confirm Delete.

Can my employer see if I am applying for jobs on LinkedIn?

No updates will be sent out when you apply for a job. However, if you do want your network to know that you’re actively looking for a job, you can share an update from your LinkedIn homepage. You can review your current Privacy Settings for the following reasons.

How do I change my position on my LinkedIn profile?

To update your current position on your introduction section: Click the Me icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click View profile. Click the Edit icon in your introduction section. In the pop-up window that appears, under the Current Position field, click Add new position and enter your information.

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How do I reorder my positions on LinkedIn?

You can only reorder your current position if you have listed at least two current positions. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click View profile. Move your cursor over the position you’d like to rearrange. Click and drag the Reorder icon on the right to the desired position. Note: Your past positions can’t be reordered.

What are LinkedIn job recommendations and how do they work?

LinkedIn Job Recommendations show jobs based on your job searches, job alerts, profile, and activity on LinkedIn. Click Jobs at the top of your homepage to view Recommended for you jobs.

How do I rearrange my volunteer experience on my LinkedIn profile?

You can only display one entry in the top section of your profile. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click View profile. Move your cursor over the volunteer experience entry you’d like to rearrange. Click and drag the Reorder icon on the right to the desired position.