
Can you get fired for sleeping on your lunch break?

Can you get fired for sleeping on your lunch break?

Those who are caught in violation may face disciplinary action such as suspension or firing. Some employees sleep, nap, or take a power-nap only during their allotted break time at work. This may or may not be permitted, depending on the employer’s policies.

Are you allowed to sleep on your lunch break?

A: If it is your meal break, you should be allowed to spend it however you want, including taking a nap. Under California law, employers must provide a 30-minute uninterrupted meal period to employees for every 5 hours of work. “Providing” a meal period means the employer must provide an off-duty meal period.

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Is sleeping at work a dismissible Offence?

Sleeping on duty is, in terms of the applicant’s Disciplinary Code, a dismissible offence.

What is considered gross misconduct in the workplace?

Gross misconduct relates to serious behaviour on the part of an employee. Example of gross misconduct includes dishonesty, gross negligence, malicious damage, theft, serious breach of an organisation’s policies, fraud, and physical violence etc.

What justifies gross misconduct?

Gross misconduct is an act which is so serious that it justifies dismissal without notice, or pay in lieu of notice, for a first offence. They must be acts that destroy the relationship of trust and confidence between the employer and employee, making the working relationship impossible to continue.

How do you deal with an employee who sleeps on the job?

“Talk to the employee and find the reason behind them sleeping on the job,” said Laura Anderson, a human resources supervisor at Reno, Nev.-based EE Technologies, an electronics manufacturing company. “Offer suggestions to help, and remind the employee that sleeping on the job is unacceptable and what the consequences will be.”

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How to manage nap time in the workplace?

A 5-minute nap can help employees become alert, energetic and productive. If you cannot allot a nap time, you need to ensure that certain steps are taken to help the employee deal with the Zs. First and foremost, you need to make it clear that sleeping on the job is absolutely unacceptable!

Can you fire an employee for sleeping during work hours?

If you still catch this employee sleeping during work hours, in spite of the disciplinary meetings and written warnings, you may fire them. Simple as that! Writer. Human resources expert and consultant. Follow @thehrdigest on Twitter How Can You Transform Your Workforce For Your Customers?

What to do if an employee is suffering from sleep apnea?

If at all an employee claims that he/she is suffering from some form of sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy, empathize but do not accept this justification at face value. Politely request the employee to provide medical proof which specifically states that the individual is suffering from a sleeping disorder.