
What transits indicate relationships?

What transits indicate relationships?

When Jupiter transits the 1st and 7th houses, this often brings relationship growth, as well as optimism and expansion into how a person deals with all partnerships. During these periods, you’re more likely to welcome supportive people into your life who help you to grow, which often involves a romantic relationship.

What does a composite chart show?

A composite chart details the nature of the relationship your two charts have together as a blended entity, and it can give you tremendous insight into the very basic meaning of the relationship you have with the person you are blending your chart with.

What does quincunx mean in astrology?

A quincunx, also referred to as an inconjunct, occurs when two planets are 150 degrees apart—or, you can also look at this as being zodiac signs that are five signs apart. “These two planets don’t have a relationship to each other, but they have to exist within the same person.

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When you will meet your spouse astrology?

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the twelfth house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife through the spiritual means of some in some quiet places. It can be in hospitals or in foreign lands as well.

What does the composite chart tell us about a couple’s relationship?

However, there are some things we can look for in the composite chart itself. For example, the composite Ascendant can indicate the circumstances surrounding the first meeting or the beginning of the relationship. It can also point to how a couple initiates things together (such as projects).

What is a composite chart?

Because a composite chart represents a specific entity—the relationship—you read it like a birth chart. Planets, signs, and aspects as they interact through the houses all speak about the attributes of this co-created relationship. Let’s look at one chart as an example.

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Why study the planets in a composite chart?

Although any composite chart is complex, with multiple influences to consider, it’s helpful to study each planetary aspect in order to understand the energies at play in a relationship. Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships (The Planet Series)

What does an unaspected Sun in the composite chart mean?

For example, an unaspected Sun in the composite chart can indicate a feeling that the relationship lacks direction. There may be difficulty seeing where the relationship is heading, and there can even be questions as to why it exists in the first place.